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New Year Gala
We are glad to invite you to our New Year Gala that will be held in Cherkassy on New Year’s Eve! This fantastic event includes a fashion show, pop stars' performance and dances that you will never forget! Int ... Read more »

Категория: | 3805 | Admin-sVit | Дата: 12.11.2009 | Комментарии (2)

Let us inform you that November 28-29 Contest "Mrs. Talent and Beauty of Cherkassy” was held in our city. There  participated beautiful women of 23 – 35 years old.  Guests of the show saw them wearing evening gowns, walking on the podium, demonstrating fashion collections. This competition ia based not only on the physical beauty of its contest ... Read more »

Категория: | 2398 | Admin-sVit | Дата: 11.11.2009 | Комментарии (0)

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